Dry Eye Causes

Wondering what causes dry eye? Check if these environmental causes may trigger it.

Decreased Blink Rate

Often when using a computer, tablet, or cell phone, we naturally do not blink as often. When we have a decreased blink rate, we do not produce as many tears to lubricate the surface of the eye. Lack of blinking also contributes to Meibomian gland dysfunction, which is a leading cause of dry eye. Meibomian gland dysfunction can be treated with Lipiflow

Poor Indoor Humidity

Air conditioning and forced air can decrease the humidity in closed spaces such as your home or office. As a result, tear evaporation can be accelerated causing symptoms of dry eyes.

Outdoor Poor Air Quality

Windy conditions and very dry climates are often causes of dry eyes, as well as poor air quality caused by heavy air pollution or smoke caused by nearby wildfires.

Wearing Contact Lenses

Contact lens wearers often complain of dry eyes and many will stop wearing their contacts (or wear their contacts less frequently) because of it. With so many great contact lenses on the market, this doesn’t have to be the case. 

Eye Strain

Usually caused by too much screen time in front of a TV, computer, or other electronic devices, eye strain is one of the more common causes of dry eyes. 

Frequent Flying

The air inside an airplane cabin is often dry and may cause many frequent flyers to complain of dry eyes.

Cigarette Smoking

This not only causes eyes to feel dry but can also lead to serious eye problems like macular degeneration and cataracts.

For all your dry eye and other ocular needs, contact Optomeyes Vision Care to book your next check up!