Myopia Control and Management

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a vision condition that makes faraway objects appear blurry.

Digital device usage and time spent indoors have increased for young adults, and our visual environment can play a significant role in myopia progression. Myopia control can be very effective for children, but university students can also benefit from slowing the progression of myopia early.

Our myopia control services aren’t just about your prescription but also about managing the risks of high myopia. We offer myopia control methods such as ortho-k lenses, multifocal contacts, and atropine eye drops and use the MYAH axial length measurement device to track your progress. 

Contact us to schedule your next eye exam and get a handle on myopia today.

Myopia can be challenging to manage, especially when you’re trying to focus on schoolwork. The volume of reading and near-work students undertake throughout a course of study can take a toll on their vision, resulting in high myopia

High myopia can also result in a higher risk of other issues such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and retinal detachments, so it’s essential to control the progression of myopia early.

There has been a rise in digital device usage and time spent indoors. This rise has been partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and online education. Around 30% of young adults progressed more than -0.75D over the course of 2 years during the pandemic. 

The link between online learning and myopia is becoming clearer, and consistent eye exams have become much more important to help control the progression of myopia early.